Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Want to know about LGBTI rights in El Salvador?

Danielle Marie Mackey and Gloria Marisela Moran tell the story of Rubi Navas and the struggle for LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender and intersex people and other sexuality, and gender diverse people, regardless of their term of self-identification) rights in El Salvador. There was some progress under Mauricio Funes but the LGBTI community is concerned that President-elect Salvador Sanchez Ceren (wow!) has not made his stance on issues of concern to the LGBTI community clear.
But on Feb. 1, three days before the first round of the 2014 Salvadoran presidential elections, the country’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal proclaimed that all people must be allowed to vote, without discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
While recent historic advances, like this one, were made by the administration of outgoing president Mauricio Funes, questions remain about whether his successor, Salvador Sanchez Ceren, will take the same proactive stance.
Despite previous progress, the climate for LGBTI rights in El Salvador is complicated by corruption and organized crime, which exacerbate the already pervasive issues of discrimination and violence.

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