Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Father Toño arrested in El Salvador, alleged gang involvement

Salvadoran authorities were busy on Wednesday. They arrested Roman Catholic priest Antonio Rodriguez Tercero. They allege that Father Toño "tried to get favorable treatment for Salvadoran gang members and helped smuggled contraband into prisons" (including cell phones and drugs) but that is all we know so far. In addition, authorities arrested 12 police officers, two judges, a number of court employees, two prosecution officials, and various gang members - 125 in total. They are accused of having collaborated with the 18th Street gang [and other criminal groups].

While Father Toño worked with the gangs in Mejicanos for a number of years, he was very critical of the government's facilitation of a truce between the country's two main gains. However, after discussions with Bishop Fabio Colindres last year, Father Toño changed his mind and then became a supporter of the national truce [and then became an opponent once again].

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