Wednesday, September 10, 2014

CICIG: another game-changing arrest in Guatemala?

Mirte Postema has an article up at Americas Quarterly on CICIG Investigation Could be a Game-Changer for Guatemala. I don't know about a game-changer. Whenever I've thought that Guatemala might have turned the corner, it's all come crashing down in disappointment.

There are many things of interest to the recent Lima arrest however. The clear connections between organized crime and elected officials is all over this scandal, particularly with regards to Otto Perez Molina and the Patriotic Party. But given that Lima built his empire over the Portillo, Berger, Colom, and Perez administrations, the scandal will reach many people across all administrations.

CICIG had announced that they were going to focus on organized crime and the political system, primarily campaign financing, during the last two years of its mandate. The recent arrests clearly fit this focus even though the arrests so far have fallen mostly in the organized crime camp rather than the public officials camp. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Now back to the conference.

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