Saturday, September 6, 2014

Mary Jo McConahay on Sainthood isn't enough for Salvadoran Archbishop Óscar Romero

Mary Jo McConahay has a new op-ed in the Los Angeles Times arguing that Sainthood isn't enough for Salvadoran Archbishop Óscar Romero.
Are the bishops ignoring Romero's prophetic voice, harking back to times when the church and the Salvadoran oligarchy presented a united front, determined not to the rock the boat? There is still time for them to stand up for human rights and justice, lest they look like hypocrites when Pope Francis arrives one day at Monseñor Óscar Arnulfo Romero International Airport (it was renamed this year) to canonize their brother.
For those who already regard the slain archbishop as San Romero de America, legal pursuit of his killers would strengthen faith in the rule of law on Earth, honoring Monseñor as deeply as sainthood.
The Catholic hierarchy in El Salvador wasn't behind Romero during his tenure as Archbishop or in his death. And it is not clear that today they are behind his cause for sainthood.

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