Sunday, September 7, 2014

Guatemalan immigrant poised to win seat in US Congress

Norma Torres
Norma Torres sees herself in some of the Central American children who have flooded into the United States in recent months.
More than four decades ago in Guatemala, Torres' parents told her she was going to the United States on a vacation. They declined to tell her she would not be coming back. Now 49, Torres is the favorite in a race between two Democratic candidates to represent a Los Angeles-area district in the House.
"In many ways, I see the decision these children have made ... like the decision my parents made for me," Torres said in a recent telephone interview. "They wanted an opportunity for me to grow up and be a successful person."
Torres' candidacy takes place as Hispanics gain increasing political influence in the United States and as Congress struggles over how to proceed on immigration policy. Hispanics make up nearly 70 percent of the district that she seeks to represent, and nationally, Latinos overwhelmingly support Democrats. But in the House, Democrats are expected to remain in the minority after the November midterm elections.
Go here to read more about Norma Torres, a woman who might become the first person of Guatemalan descent to be elected to the US Congress.

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