Monday, December 8, 2014

TV series on the Salvadoran civil war

Mexico's Argos, El Salvador's Meridiano89 and Spain's Filmanova have plans for six hour-long episodes on the Salvadoran civil war, focusing on some of the war's highest profile killings including Oscar Romero's 1980 assassination and the murders of six priests and two companions at the UCA in 1989. Mexican actor Diego Luna is set to star in the series.

One of the neat things about the series is that they are filming in El Salvador. While much has remained the same since the FMLN won the 2009 presidential elections, I can't see this series being shot in El Salvador had ARENA still occupied the presidency. I also like seeing a Salvadoran production company involved.

Filming is set to begin during the second half of 2015, after which time Salvadorans will have commemorated the 35th anniversary of Romero's assassination and perhaps heard from the Vatican on his beatification.

The series is so far entitled Cortando el puente (Cutting the bridge).

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