Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Searching for Peace and Justice in Guatemala (through witnessing)

James Rodriguez
David Gonzalez in the New York Times has a nice write-up on photographer James Rodriguez of MiMundo with Searching for Peace and Justice in Guatemala. Some confusing phrases in the article, but nice to see James and other photographers (Rodrigo Abd, John Moore, Victor Blue, Jean-Marie Simon) get some recognition.
Mr. Rodriguez has been photographing exhumation of mass graves where victims of what the international community would declare to be war crimes were buried. He has also been tracking how indigenous communities have been resisting the takeover of their lands by outside interests, from mining companies to agribusinesses. Both themes echo perhaps the greatest issue that dominates life in Guatemala: the search for justice in a country that has endured great violence at the hands of the military and its allies.
I imagine that one of the real glaring omissions from the article is the insecurity under which James and other journalists in Guatemala carry out their vocation.

A big congratulations and thank you to James for helping to tell the story of Guatemala under such trying conditions.

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