Monday, April 6, 2015

Overwhelming violence in El Salvador

The National Civil Police report that March 2015 was the most violent month in at least a decade in El Salvador. They recorded 481 murders for the month, far surpassing the 438 victims recorded in October 2009.

March's escalation seems to have been brought on by several factors, including the transfer of gang leaders to new prisons, an escalation of violence between the gangs, increased violence between the gangs and the country's security forces, and, possibly, the 2015 national elections.

After approximately 40 security personnel were killed in 2014, another 17 have so far been killed this year. The government responded by reassuring its officers that should they use deadly force, they would not be second guessed. Here's what I told Nina Lakhani in El Salvador sees most deadly month in 10 years as violence overwhelms nation
“In a country with a history of extrajudicial executions by security personnel, it appears the police (and other institutions) have responded in a way that was entirely expected – greater use of force against suspected gang members,” Mike Allison, assistant professor of political sciences at Scranton University, [should read associate professor of political science at the University of Scranton] and author of the Central American Politics Blog, told The Guardian.
The gangs appear to have responded as well as there have now been three grenade attacks against police institutions in the last seven days. The police, however, have not confirmed whether the attacks have come from the gangs.

Extreme levels of violence, strong support for mano dura and vigilante justice among the population and politicians, a PNC under attack, and a divided political scene, make more comprehensive security policies, such as those envisioned by President Sanchez Ceren, difficult to realize.

Read Nina's article for The Guardian here.

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