Friday, June 5, 2015

Another day, another resignation in Guatemala

Another day, another resignation.

    The general secretary of the Presidency resigned Tuesday, leaving the President Otto Perez Molina without much support after a series of forced resignations and arrests of state officials caught up in a corruption scandal.

    Gustavo Martinez explained that his decision was linked to the allegations made against him in the media in recent weeks, which he said was unnecessarily eroding executive power.

    “Here, one should not cling to public positions,” said the state official, emphasizing that the case of Perez Molina was different since he was elected by the people.

    Various national media have been reporting properties and real estates that Martinez obtained in dubious circumstances during his mandate – allegations he always denied.

Unexplained wealth? Properties one should not be able to afford on a government salary?

I'm sorry. I thought that they were talking about President Otto Perez Molina. From what I contributed to Freedom House's report last year:

    Despite efforts to combat corruption, serious problems remain. Vice President Baldetti has been linked to several high-profile scandals and has purchased expensive homes with unexplained wealth. President Pérez has also been linked to unexplained wealth, including a luxury property in Zaragoza.

Perez Molina was one of the reasons why CICIG was created in the first place. We all know how this is going to end. 

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