Thursday, June 4, 2015

How corrupt was Hernandez's campaign?

RAJ tries to get to the bottom of the claim that Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez admitted that his party's last electoral campaign was funded by proceeds from a corruption scandal involving the Honduran Institute of Social Security (IHSS) with "If" Makes All the Difference: Hernández on the Corruption Scandal.

    For JOH, protests against generalized "corruption" are fine, because he has nothing to do with it. But when the call is for him to step down-- well, that's quite another thing: you must be on the side of organized crime.

    Reuters reported the part of Hernández statements that speaks to the over-arching narrative being constructed about corruption and protest in Central America, in which Guatemala and Honduras are merged. But each country has its own issues, and what gets left out from original coverage is where we find the traces of real politics.

    It may be reassuring to suggest that the president of Honduras has admitted his party did something wrong, and has directed it be corrected. But that doesn't seem to actually be what has happened; holding himself above the fray, Juan Orlando Hernández minimized the depth of corruption, and managed to use the opportunity to continue to undermine political rivals within and outside his own party.

It doesn't sound as if Hernandez is taking responsibility for what people are saying he is taking responsibility for. And I was going to link to the article before I even noticed that RAJ linked to my post from Monday.

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