Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Watch out for Colombia

From infosur hoy
The Colombian government has been helping Guatemala improve its training of police officers and use of crime-solving technology and intelligence since 2011.
“Colombia is committed to supporting Guatemala in its police reform effort,” Colombian Defense Minister Juan Carlos Pinzón said during an official visit to Guatemala last October.
In terms of improving Guatemala's public security institutions, we have recently been looking to CICIG and Claudia Paz y Paz. There's been another story largely missed (as far as I can tell) and that is the role of Colombia.

Its police have been assisting the Guatemalan police (and others in the region) in all sorts of ways, including training and in reassigning the force geographically. Colombia will also soon send "senior officials from the Army specialized in education, training and protocols to help prepare new PNC officers." CICIG's "new" commissioner, Iván Velásquez Gómez, is from Colombia as well.

Perhaps the second half of the decade belongs to Colombia, especially if the peace agreement with the FARC is realized.

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