Sunday, February 2, 2014

Yeah second rounds - we get to do this all over again in March and April

Sorry for the late arrival. After putting the kids to bed, I stayed offline in order to watch the Super Bowl on DVR. Not that exciting. I'm also finishing up three syllabus. Spring session starts tomorrow.

In the meantime, we look headed for a second round in El Salvador.
Kind of reminds me of 1994 when ARENA finished the first round with 49 percent of the vote and the FMLN with 25 percent. ARENA won handily in that second round in the country's first postwar election. The FMLN should feel good tonight even if they don't win a first round victory. However, they might be kicking themselves because they probably would have walk away with a first round victory had Oscar Ortiz headed the ticket.

We are also looking at a second round in Costa Rica. As of 9:33 PM, Johnny Araya leads with 30.6 percent. The surprise is that he is ahead of Luis Guillermo Solis who has 29.4 percent. Solis had been moving up in the polls as Villalta weakened. He has 17.4 percent.

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