Saturday, February 1, 2014

The 2014 Lozano Long Conference — Archiving the Central American Revolutions

The 2014 Lozano Long Conference — Archiving the Central American Revolutions - will be held February 19-21 at The University of Texas at Austin.
The 2014 Lozano Long Conference will feature new critical interpretations of the “revolutionary decades” in Central America (1970 through 1990), drawing together scholars from the United States and Central America with research expertise on this crucial period of contemporary history. The scholarly rationale for the conference is especially strong, given that a whole generation of scholars of Central America, who came of age during the revolutionary era, are now senior members of the profession. Their unique perspective, in dialogue with a rising generation of young scholars who did not live through this period and bring a different set of perspectives and viewpoints to the conversation, will be featured.
The second conference objective is to initiate a project of acquisition of documentary materials—personal papers, political broadsides, photos, clippings, music—related to the Central American crisis. We hope to emphasize to potential contributors the salience of these collections as historical artifacts so these materials are not lost forever. These ephemeral materials will complement the more formal post custodial archival activities that LLILAS Benson is engaged in with our partners in the region. We foresee that, through an active process of acquisition and conservation, LLILAS Benson has the potential to become the world’s foremost repository for 1980s Central America-related materials.
Here is a link to the panels and participants. It looks like an excellent conference.

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