Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Balance in the FMLN's cabinet?

As president-elect Sanchez Ceren looks set to take the reins of power on June 1st, we are beginning to get a sense of what his administration is going to look like. While the transition team was not balanced, his cabinet looks to be better balanced when it comes to representing somewhat diverse viewpoints in El Salvador.

FMLN USA reports that the first announced appointments are
Finance Minister, Carlos Cáceres
Foreign Relations Minister Hugo Martinez
Minister of Public Works: Gerson Martinez
Environment Agency (Minister) Lina Pohl
Minister of Economy : Salomón Lopez Tharsis
Minister of Tourism: Jose Napoleon Duarte
Secretary of Economic Affairs: Roberto Lorenzana
Private Secretary: Manuel Melgar
Secretary for Governance and Policy Dialogue: Hato Hasbun
Carlos Caceres and Salomón Lopez Tharsis should calm fears that the government intends to do anything radical. As I've said before, I just don't think that the FMLN is in a great position to do anything radical even if they wanted to. El Salvador is strongly tied to the US and they can't rely upon Venezuela (or anybody else at this point in time) for much.

While there are more announcements to come, one thing that really stands out is the lack of women - 1 out of 9. Once you add in Sanchez Ceren and Oscar Ortiz and perhaps even José Luis Merino, the balance looks even worse. And not for nothing, but the only woman announced so far is in charge of the Environment.

And in case you are interested, CISPES has the English-language translation of Eugenio Chicas' March 25th speech during which Salvador Sánchez Cerén and Óscar Ortiz received their credentials as president and vice president. Chicas is the President of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE).

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