Thursday, June 26, 2014

Local businessmen tackle malnutrition in Guatemala

PBS News Hour has a new report on efforts to tackle child nutrition in Guatemala. If anyone has traveled through the Western Highlands at all, one see acres and acres of fresh vegetables being grown commercially and in people's backyards. Yet, the region has malnutrition rates around 70 percent.
In a land of plenty, a reporter’s snapshots of malnutrition
How Guatemala finally ‘woke up’ to its malnutrition crisis
And just in time for the publication of another report that finds Guatemala at the bottom of the regional list for investing in its youth.

I'm glad that President Perez Molina has made Zero Hunger a key program and really seems interested in tackling child malnutrition. However, I guess I haven't read much positive about the program or about any recent successes in improving Guatemalan children's heath. I don't imagine that it is something that changes overnight but the lack of good news is disappointing.

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