Wednesday, June 11, 2014

El Salvador's defense minister investigated for arms trafficking

El Salvador's Attorney General Luis Martinez has launched an investigation into Minister of Defense David Munguia Payes on the alleged charge of arms trafficking. Munguia Payes was a key player in the "Friends of Mauricio" group, the MS-13 / 18th Street gang truce, and overall security policy. Martinez is also investigating Munguia Payes and Raul Mijango on issues related to the gang truce.

I've obviously soured a bit on Munguia Payes but I wasn't expecting arms trafficking allegations. As I wrote in the WPR article, I was disappointed with his continued appointment as Minister of Defense. The US government soured on the general after he facilitated the March 2012 gang truce. I don't know if they had these concerns about arms trafficking but I wouldn't be surprised. While this is a legal issue for the attorney general, President Salvador Sanchez needs to take the offensive here - put the general on desk duty or something before the matter is sorted out.

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