Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Congrats to Tim and his El Salvador Blog

Tim's El Salvador Blog celebrated its ten-year anniversary yesterday.
It's appropriate that I am in El Salvador as I begin writing this post.   I realize that a great many of the topics which have filled the pages of this blog have been present in the past 10 days I spent in the country. 
I participated in events commemorating the 25th anniversary of the massacre of the 6 Jesuits, their housekeeper and her daughter.   It's one of many anniversaries of massacres I have blogged about, and all of those persons who gave the orders for those massacres have never faced any form of judgment.   Impunity is a word I have used often in this blog.
Another ongoing blog theme is migration. I casually talked yesterday in English with men who had been deported from the US after living there for many years.  I heard the stories of the center where El Salvador processes children deported from Mexico.   I passed by many "remittance houses" built with money coming from the US and elsewhere.
Thank you Tim for helping us all understand El Salvador a little better and for inspiring me to start blogging as well.

Here's to the next ten years.

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