Monday, November 24, 2014

There aren't many positives in Mister Donut for Mayor but check it out

A terrific article on Mister Donut for Mayor (and other things) in El Salvador from Jennie Erin Smith in The New Yorker. Here are a few highlights:
Only the nation’s endocrinologists are happy. 
more than ten per cent of Salvadorans now have diabetes, one of the highest rates in Latin America
Middle-class Salvadorans, who drive around their dicey capital from one pocket of safety to another, treat the restaurants as the public parks they never had.
Guards with double-barrelled shotguns stalk the perimeters of many restaurants, a standard courtesy in a region where homicide rates are almost ten times what they are in the United States. 
It may be true that the chains have profited from El Salvador’s afflictions. It’s also true, as even Korn concedes, that they’ve injected a measure of happiness into a society with little to be happy about. 
During the campaigns for this year’s Presidential election, Mister Donut ads exhorted customers to vote for neither the left-wing ruling-party candidate nor his right-wing rival but a dark horse, Chocolate Doughnut. 
There aren't many positives in Mister Donut for Mayor but check it out.

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