Sunday, November 16, 2014

New film on the Salvadoran Jesuit Martyrs: Blood in the Backyard

On November 16, 1989, six Jesuits and two women were brutally murdered at the University of Central America in San Salvador, El Salvador, by US-trained and funded commandos of the Salvadoran armed forces. The executions, carried out in the middle of the night in the Jesuits' backyard, reminded the world just how dangerous preaching the Gospel and serving the poor in a politically-fraught landscape could be.
Loyola Productions is proud to present BLOOD IN THE BACKYARD, a compelling documentary film about the men and woman who suffered the ultimate sacrifice and whose lives gave witness to what it means to live a life of faith that does justice.
Blood in the Backyard premieres this weekend at the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice in Washington, D.C. The film includes interviews with U.S. Representative Jim McGovern, former U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador William Walker,Jon Sobrino, S.J., and Chema Tojeira, S.J.

Blood in the Backyard looks like it will be a terrific updated addition to previous films such as A Question of Conscience and Enemies of War.

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