Thursday, November 6, 2014

Oscar Romero to be beatified in 2015?

As I wrote in a March 2013 op-ed on Could the next pope come from Latin America?
However, it is not all about symbolism. The selection of a Latin American pope might help to rejuvenate a Church that has lost ground in recent decades to Protestant and evangelical churches. It might help to heal the rift that occurred between those who supported a theology of liberation and those who preferred that the Church remain more traditional, some might say apolitical. Finally, the selection of a Latin American Pope might give added hope for the canonisation of the murdered Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador.
According to Archbishop of El Salvador José Luis Escobar, the Catholic Church intends to beatify Monseñor Oscar Romero next year. The news comes out of a November 4th meeting that the Salvadoran Archbishop held with Pope Francis.

This will make up for all the times I've been wrong.

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