Friday, May 29, 2015

Either way, you're out. Get out! Go on. Let's go.

Listen, if you didn't know you're bein' scammed, you're too fuckin' dumb to keep this job. If you did know, you were in on it. Either way, you're out. Get out! Go on. Let's go.

Ace Rothstein in Casino

Another protest is scheduled for Saturday in Guatemala demanding, among other things, the resignation of President Otto Perez Molina. The President has given no indication that he is ready to step down and clearly hopes that the removal of VP Baldetti and other high-level functionaries will ease tensions.

In the meantime, authorities raided fourteen properties linked to Baldetti. The Vice President has been accused of growing fabulously wealthy during her political career so let's see what authorities come up with. In what can't be welcome news for President Perez, the Attorney General's Office has requested that the Supreme Court strip his political immunity from prosecution.

How many people turn out for Saturday's protests and whether the Supreme Court's lifts Perez Molina's immunity from prosecution will no doubt go a long way towards determining whether he survives in office until January. I'm assuming the "organizers" are hoping for more than the 60,000 or so that turned out a few weeks ago, although they would be happy with similar numbers.

Here are other Guatemala-related reports to browse this weekend:

Guatemala Update: Corruption Scandals Hit Executive Office in an Election Year - nice overview

Protests in Guatemala, food prices and the Eurovision song contest - very good interview with WOLA's Adriana Beltran

Guatemala President Resignation Scandal Sees Thousands Of Protesters Demonstrate Against Corruption

Moody's changes Guatemala's outlook to negative - I understand the downgrade in the short-term but I am hoping the scandals make things better in the medium-to-long term

Guatemala Central Bank Head Indicted as Crisis Deepens - when uncovering corruption is worse than just letting it go unnoticed?

Don’t Throw Guatemala’s Baby Out with the Corruption Bathwater - if the baby is the political system, yes, please throw it out.

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