Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The new center in Latin America?

Greg Weeks has a post on The left and political pragmatism in Latin America with the new Latin America Goes Global initiative.
Insisting on continued use of “pink tide” imagery has the effect of skewing expectations. Analysts are surprised or disappointed when candidates campaign on the left and govern from the center, instead of viewing it as the norm which is more accurate. U.S. policy makers unnecessarily come to the conclusion that candidates would be automatic adversaries if elected. It also advances the erroneous argument that U.S.-Latin American relations are in crisis. We’d produce better analyses and better policy if we recognize the growing centrism.
Here is the description for Chris Sabatini and others' new project.
LatinAmericanGoesGlobal provides analysis and opinions from leading scholars written and packaged for policy impact and popular debate. Our goal is to offer readers and media regular, evidence-based and research-driven analysis and opinion in key areas such as democracy and human rights, international economics, social inclusion, crime and violence, and foreign affairs.
Be sure to add them to your news sources for Latin America.

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