Thursday, May 21, 2015

Hey! Where did everybody go?

El Periodico
President Otto Perez Molina's right-hand men has resigned in Guatemala. Interior Minister Mauricio Lopez Bonilla submitted his resignation earlier today. Secretary of Strategic Intelligence Ulises Anzueto and Minister of the Environment Michelle Martínez also resigned. There might be more before the end of the day.

I was surprised that Baldetti resigned without formal charges against her. Her resignation might have been a little damage control and a little she couldn't take the pressure. However, thousands of protesters demanded President Otto Perez Molina's resignation as well. He said no; he had no intention of submitting his resignation.

The number of protesters then increased from 20-30,000 to upwards of 60,000. I still thought that Perez might have been able to weather the storm. However, CICIG and Guatemalan prosecutions made several arrests yesterday involving another $100 million+plus fraud ring more closely connected to the president. This time, it was his former private secretary. That did not look good for him. But there's more.

Guatemalans have been frustrated with poor health care services for some time. Yesterday's fraud actually led directly to the deaths of several patients. While one could be outraged at the theft of millions in customs' duties, that involved corrupt businessmen bribing corrupt government officials, stealing from the Social Security Institute and hospitals is much more tangible, in my opinion, and therefore much more likely to lead to the president's ultimate removal.

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